04 Apr Celebrity Speakers – Balancing The Pros And Cons
Celebrity Speakers can really add a lot of oomph to an event… if they’re suitable for the audience. You should put a lot of thought into the A-lister you want behind that microphone. If a wrong judgment call is made, it could be an immense waste of money – and your crowd may not consider returning for another event in the future. In the worst-case scenario, they could be left offended by what the speaker has said. Although this can sound outlandish and improbable, it has happened in the past. As such, you need to do your homework.
First, you need to consider what the purpose of a celebrity speaker is for your event. Are you looking for a famous person who is willing to share their story? A person who is able to inspire others? Or a speaker known for a particular view point who is willing to spark an argument and a debate about their opinion? All are possible when you make the right booking. In a way, it’s helpful to know what a speaker is going to tell your audience before they even take to the stage.
Celebrity Speakers can also make the economics of an event more attractive. Even though they can cost five-figure sums without so much as breaking a sweat, making the right booking could attract lucrative corporate investors which cancels out the cost. This leaves you free to make a profit on the ticket prices, and the publicity it brings to your own firm. A booking specialist will be able to negotiate the price – and the terms – that any speaker will bring to the table.
Those A-listers who make speeches on a regular basis will likely have a showreel which shows you what they’re capable of. Indeed, they may already have clips of their work on YouTube, which were filmed by an admiring audience. Even if the subject matter is likely to be serious, it’s still important to ensure that the speaker is entertaining – and the odd laugh every now and then certainly won’t do any harm. It’s crucial that the speaker meets the expectations of the audience, and you should brief them on what the requirements are.
Celebrity Speakers may also charge extra if your audience members want to put their questions to them afterwards. It’s a nice idea to budget 15 or 30 minutes in any event to allow this to happen. In some cases, the celebrity may even hang around for a little while afterwards for a drink, allowing them to mingle with the guests and engage in some one-to-one conversations. This will certainly add a special component to the event. Try to see if they have testimonials from other businesses who have utilized their services in the past.
Celebrity Speakers for hire are often in demand – so it’s important to plan ahead. As soon as you’ve got a date and time in mind, you need to get on the phone to a booking specialist. Indeed, you should hold off on booking any venue until you have official confirmation that a celebrity will be able to attend. After all, you might decide to host an event on a Monday, but then discover that your ideal host is only available to come on a Tuesday. As such, having a little flexibility on your part will come in handy – as speakers can find their slots fill up months in advance when coupled with their other commitments.
Celebrity Speakers for hire can be more than happy to take instructions, and tailor their speech in accordance with the theme of your event. For example, if you are holding a business seminar on the complexities of marketing, you’d want the A-lister in question to make a contribution that’s relevant to what your delegates have paid for. This is especially true if they are a keynote speaker. Just make sure that the speaker is an authority on the subject matter, as your audience could soon realize that very little of what they say holds water.
Celebrity Speakers fees can be pricey – with some charging in excess of $25,000 for the privilege of their company. There will often be leeway on this, especially if it is for charitable purposes. A booking specialist will give you a firm steer on the prices to expect, and there may be discounts if you confirm in advance and you’re willing to stump up part of the fee upfront. Set yourself a specific budget and try not to get sentimental when you’re choosing a speaker, otherwise you could find yourself spending far more than what you were willing to pay.
Celebrity Speakers fees are hefty to pay on your own, which is why it’s worthwhile to generate other income streams where possible. You might want to launch a pop-up shop at the event where members of the audience can buy merchandise, sell tickets to hear the celebrity speak, or try to get sponsors who will back your event for the publicity. Indeed, you might even be able to sell DVDs of the event if you get the appropriate permission from the celebrity and their agent. All in all, getting the right speaker will be the investment your business has been craving.
Celebrity Speakers bureau allow you to breathe new life into any conference. Sure, you might be the authority on a certain issue, but nobody would want to hear you speak at every turn. Introducing new voices is a fantastic way to liven things up. This will also ensure that visitors pay attention and follow developments with close interest. By approaching a bureau, you’ll get a wide choice of celebrities which that company has close contact with – eliminating all of the hassle out of making a booking, and allowing you to focus on other projects.
Celebrity Speakers bureau are not all born equal. Some offer a wider choice than others, and many are not specialized on the certain themes of speaking that clients like you might demand – such as inspirational, humorous, or political talks. Make sure you do plenty of research before jumping to a conclusion, as this ensures that every dollar you devote to getting an A-lister is well-spent. Don’t be afraid to have high expectations, and make sure you communicate with the bureau to express your needs.
Top Celebrity Speakers should be reliable people who turn up when asked – after all, you’re paying them. Check their testimonials to see if this is the case. Make sure that they are confident speakers, have a relaxed and likeable demeanor, and aren’t unpleasant prima donnas who could actually affect the mood and ambience of your event. You want to get the impression that the celebrity is delighted to be spending their time with you – it’s the least you should expect. Going for a celebrity with plenty of experience is something to consider seriously.
Celebrity Speakers cost a fair bit of money – especially if you’re looking to secure someone who is still in the public sphere. However, it’s often the cost of doing business, especially if you’re looking to attract hundreds or thousands of people to your events. Make sure you seek plenty of advice from a knowledgeable booking specialist before making that all-important first leap into the world of celebrity speakers. When executed to perfection, such events can be a real pleasure to be a part of – and with the right support, all headaches can be avoided.